We are the national voice for local communities.

We are a membership organisation of 47 accredited community foundations across the UK and the only national network of charitable funders with a physical presence in every part of the UK.

Our Impact

  • £1b+

    in distributed grants to over 1,890 foundations and charities across the UK, over the last decade.

  • 30+

    years of experience in supporting community foundations, local causes & the people of the UK.

  • £76m

    of National Emergencies Trust funding distributed during COVID-19.

  • 4th

    largest funder in the UK, which helps make positive changes to lives and communities across the UK.

Our vision, purpose and mission

Our vision is for every community across the UK to have access to an agile community foundation focused on identifying local need and helping communities to thrive. We support the community foundations network and the vital work they do with grassroots organisations and our mission is to provide inspirational leadership and advocacy at a national level.

Our vision, purpose and mission

Our vision is for every community across the UK to have access to an agile community foundation focused on identifying local need and helping communities to thrive. We support the community foundations network and the vital work they do with grassroots organisations and our mission is to provide inspirational leadership and advocacy at a national level.

Find your local community foundation

Community foundations connect philanthropic people with local causes that matter to them. It’s a charitable organisation focused on supporting a defined geographical area by building endowments and generating funds to support community needs and local organisations making a difference. Find your local community foundation now.

Make your funds go further

With a network that reaches every corner of the UK, we are uniquely placed to work both with partners who want to fund nationwide programmes and those who wish to work in one or more specific areas.

Strengthening Communities

Community Foundations pursue long-term change for their communities by identifying the local context, collaborating with others, applying multiple interventions, and constantly learning from and adapting to new circumstances. Find out more about their work and our involvement with our case studies.

Explore UKCF

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