Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the questions we get asked a lot with some useful information and guidance.

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Do I need to be a registered charity to raise money?

There are many platforms that enable members of the public to fundraise via crowdfunding, however, to raise an annual income of over £5,000, you must register as a charity with the Charity Commission.

This is particularly relevant if you are a business that wishes to set up a charitable trust.  There are lengthy legal processes to do this and some fees involved too. 

An alternative to setting up a charitable trust is to set up a fund with a community foundation.  A community foundation will take care of all of the administrative work for you and distribute your funds according to what you want to achieve.  Our members manage a range of small and large funds on behalf of businesses, families and high net-worth individuals.

If you are a voluntary organisation that is thinking about becoming a registered charity, you can find further advice here.