Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the questions we get asked a lot with some useful information and guidance.

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Who is eligible for grants?

Each grant available has its own specific criteria, meaning eligibility for a grant can vary significantly. 

Sometimes, grants are available to eligible individuals such as disadvantaged members of the community facing financial, physical or emotional hardship, poor living circumstances, a specific project or talent to pursue without the means to do so, and other situations where funding will be helpful.

Eligible group applications for a grant can include registered charity groups, local community centres or community groups/organisations that aren't registered as charities. 

The grants you might want to apply for will be dependent on many factors, so be sure to fully read the criteria of each grant before you apply to ensure you are eligible. This will give you the best chance of success. 

To find out which grants are currently available and what their criteria is, visit your nearest community foundation.