Giving Tuesday Now: Never More Needed

It’s the second #GivingTuesday in five months and it’s never been more timely. Many people have already dug deep to support the National Emergencies Trust Coronavirus Appeal

It’s the second #GivingTuesday in five months and it’s never been more timely. Many people have already dug deep to support the National Emergencies Trust Coronavirus Appeal and our network of community foundations has worked at great speed to get the money to thousands of local groups working on the frontline to support people through this crisis. But there is much more to be done.

The last six weeks have shown us why local charities and group are #NeverMoreNeeded. Imagine opening your cupboard door, seeing empty shelves and not knowing where your next meal is coming from. Imagine being in a position where you have to “shield” and go days on end without seeing a friendly face. Imagine feeling at rock bottom and having no one to turn to for support. These are very real feelings that many people up and down the country are having right now. Thankfully there are thousands of local organisations that are there to help.

Here’s a snapshot of some of the groups community foundations have supported recently:

Cumann Spóirt an Phobail

Through support from the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland, Cumann Spóirt an Phobail have been able to support people in Belfast by providing freshly prepared hot meals and necessities like toilet rolls, teabags, milk, bread and hygiene products. The sports club, which is rooted in the local community has adapted at great speed to help those with no other means of support.

Cosgrove Care

A grant from Foundation Scotland is helping a team of 130 volunteers and students from Strathclyde University reach out to older people in the communities of East Renfrewshire and North Lanarkshire offering support with essential food shopping, telephone befriending and signposting advice. Without this support hundreds of older people would be left without a lifeline to food and vital human contact in the shape of a friendly voice.

A photo of a large fire that broke out in Exeter in 2014. The community received emergency support from Devon Community Foundation

Future Living Hertford

With a grant from Hertfordshire Community Foundation, Future Living Hertford have been able to adapt the service it provides to those that have experienced domestic abuse and people in recovery from addiction. The grant is being used to provide telephone counselling to vulnerable people that need to speak to someone. With demand increasing Future Living Hertford are training new counsellors to help meet the growing need for its service.

We know the that Coronavirus is going nowhere fast. Its effects will continue to impact communities for a long time to come. The need will continue to grow and groups that do so much to help others will need your support. We’re in this for the long haul. If you can, please support the #NETCoronavirusAppeal.

*If you are a group that is looking funding please find your local community foundation here.

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