Celebrating #iwillWeek – what have Community Foundations funded?

To celebrate #iwillWeek we’ll be shining a spotlight on the stories that our network of Community Foundations have shared to highlight the positive impact of the iwill fund

To celebrate #iwillWeek we’ll be shining a spotlight on the stories that our network of Community Foundations have shared to highlight the positive impact of the iwill fund.

What is the Iwill fund?

The #iwill campaign is funded by the Big Lottery Fund, and the Office for Civil Society. Its purpose to engage young people all over the country in positive social action and volunteering. With this comes a myriad of benefits for the young people and the communities around them.

Our impact as a network

To date, the impact of the fund has been huge. Since we’ve started distributing grants we’ve funded 1,156 projects and engaged 127,645 beneficiaries.

Take a look at some of the projects our network has funded. They really encapsulate the essence of Iwill and the positive impact that the campaign has had on the lives of young people who’ve engaged with it.

Young women in Cumbria share their stories and shape services

Heart of Bucks fund young carers project that has had a big impact

Oxfordshire CF fund project to boost confidence and skills of disadvantaged teens

Hear from a young volunteer on the positive effects a Berkshire CF funded project had on her

You can keep up with all the goings on from #iwillWeek on Twitter

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