Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the questions we get asked a lot with some useful information and guidance.

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What is the best way to give to charity?

The best way to give to charity is entirely dependent on your own personal and financial circumstances. 

There are many ways to give to charity and only you can decide which is the best approach for you.  Some individuals and businesses prefer to donate on a one-off basis, while others like to set up a named fund (these are referred to as donor advised funds or DAFs).  Some donors might prefer to leave a legacy by giving to charity in their will.

Giving back to your local community through one of our accredited community foundations will ensure that your funds are going directly to the causes that matter to you and your community. 

Community foundations work closely with professional advisors, financial investors, businesses, public bodies, and individuals, to set up funds that align with the donor's wishes while providing evidence-based knowledge and experience of the issues facing communities today.  They have long-lasting, trusting relationships with their local networks of charities and community-led organisations that deliver vital services, and use their platforms to support effective initiatives for a range of important causes. 

Visit our publications page to understand some of our learnings about the best ways to give to charity.